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  • The legal services provided by our clinic are free of charge. Clients are normally asked to pay for the costs associated with their case (for example, doctor’s reports and court filing fees).

  • You must be financially eligible to receive these services.

  • If you need service in a language other than English, please let us know as soon as possible and we will arrange to have an interpreter.

  • We provide legal services that are accessible and non-discriminatory.  Let us know if you need any kind of accommodation to make your visit easier.  We will also do our best to accommodate the safety needs of survivors of domestic violence. 

  • We are funded by Legal Aid Ontario.  We do not provide services relating to family or criminal law.  Please contact Legal Aid Ontario directly for assistance with these matters (416) 979-1446.

The content on this website is provided for general information only and does not constitute legal advice. Accessing or using this website, including emailing us or completing our web form, does not create a lawyer-client relationship. Receipt of any such communications does not create a lawyer-client relationship.  If we receive communication from you we will contact you within two business days to discuss your situation and determine if and how we can best assist you.

Is this a safe phone number for a callback?
We will not respond to inquiries from people who live outside of Ontario
Your type of legal issue:

Kindly wait for a call back within 2 – 3 business days.

Our office is open:  
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 
8:30 am to 12:00 pm and  
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm   
After hours and off-site appointments available

Our office is located on the ground floor and is wheelchair accessible

Please do not pay for parking in the parking lot.

  1. Press the first yellow button from the right (next to green)

  2. Enter parking code F5011

  3. Enter license plate number

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