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Willowdale Community Legal Services (WCLS) is a community legal clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario to provide free legal assistance to low-income residents in our community.


Our staff includes lawyer(s), community legal worker(s), and support staff. 


The clinic is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, which is elected each year by our community members. People who are interested in our community can apply to become members of WCLS. If you are interested in becoming a member, please call our office for more information.

What will happen when I contact the clinic for legal assistance?

When you contact the clinic, our staff will ask you for your contact information, your income and asset levels, your family situation, and your legal situation.


If you have a situation with which we may be able to help, then you will be offered an appointment with a caseworker or you will be told that a caseworker will call you back within two working days. You may also be given some general information the first time you call.


If you live outside of our catchment area or we cannot assist you with your legal question, you may be given a referral to another organization that may assist you. 


Every time you call the clinic with a new legal issue, we will go through the intake process with you.  The intake process ensures that we have the information we need to determine if and how best we can assist you.  It also allows us to update your eligibility and contact information.

Our office is open:  
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 
8:30 am to 12:00 pm and  
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm   
After hours and off-site appointments available

Our office is located on the ground floor and is wheelchair accessible

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