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WCLS provides immigration services to individuals regardless of their status in Canada. We provide advice, brief services, and representation.
Examples of immigration issues we may help with:
You would like to file a permanent resident application based on humanitarian and compassionate grounds (H&C) or you need a waiver from an immigration requirement
You would like to sponsor or reunite with your family
You are a person seeking refugee protection in Canada
You are a protected person who wants to apply for permanent residence in Canada
You would like to complete a citizenship application or need a waiver from a requirement under the Citizenship Act
You would like to appeal an immigration decision or review a decision in court
You have been found to be inadmissible or there is a removal order against you
You would like to apply for a temporary resident permit, or (in some cases) a work permit, study permit or visitor visa
You are applying for a permanent resident card, refugee travel document or other immigration documentation
For helpful links click here.
Tel: (416) 492-2437
Fax: (416) 492-6281
Our office is open:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
8:30 am to 12:00 pm and
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
After hours and off-site appointments available
Our office is located on the ground floor and is wheelchair accessible.
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