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WCLS provides services to employees or former employees who want to apply for, have applied for, or have received Employment Insurance benefits. Services are provided by WCLS staff and Toronto East End Employment Law Services (TEELS). Together, WCLS and TEELS offer legal services related to all types of EI benefits, including regular benefits, maternity benefits, and sickness benefits.
Examples of Employment Insurance issues we may help with:
You are having difficulty applying for Employment Insurance
You were denied Employment Insurance benefits
You received Employment Insurance benefits in the past but have now been told you were overpaid and owe a debt to the government
You have a hearing at the Social Security Tribunal about Employment Insurance
We do not distribute or complete EI applications. You can make an application for EI from Service Canada in person or online.
For helpful links click here.
Tel: (416) 492-2437
Fax: (416) 492-6281
Our office is open :
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
8:30 am to 12:00 pm and
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
After hours and off-site appointments available

Our office is located on the ground floor and is wheelchair accessible.
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