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WCLS also provides services to people who are having an issue with a creditor.  When a creditor believes that someone is in debt to them in Ontario, there are certain actions the creditor can take to try to collect the money they are owed. We can provide you with information about your rights, advice, brief services, and in some cases representation at Small Claims Court.

Examples of debt issues we may help with:  

  • You are being contacted by a collections agency inappropriately or in ways that are harassing

  • You are being asked to make payments toward a debt that you cannot afford

  • You are owed money by someone else, and this has been confirmed through a Court or Tribunal Order (ex. Landlord and Tenant Board, Small Claims Court). 

* It is important to note that we cannot assist landlords in collecting debt from tenants. Therefore, landlords should contact the Landlord Self-Help Centre for such situations.


Please note that we are not able to help with all debt issues. For example, we do not help with real estate sales, bankruptcies, or consumer proposals. If we are unable to assist you, we will try to direct you to organizations that can help. 





















For helpful links click here.

Our office is open:  
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 
8:30 am to 12:00 pm and 
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm   
After hours and off-site appointments available

Our office is located on the ground floor and is wheelchair accessible.

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